CruiseControl - Getting Started in 11 easy steps - from ThoughtWorks

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Muthu Ramadoss

Nov 8, 2005, 8:14:44 AM11/8/05
to End 2 End Enterprise Technology
1. Download and Build Cruise Control
2. Setup your Cruise Control working area
3. Setup a project for Cruise Control to build
4. Configure Cruise Control to build your project
5. Configure Cruise Control to schedule your build
6. Start Cruise Control
7. Getting the build artifacts link working
8. Building the web app
9. Reporting build status via email
10. Modifying the HTML reports
11. Merging other XML files into your logfile

We're intentionally avoiding providing an initial, fill-in-the-blanks
template, but instead will add features one by one, hopefully to
instill a better understanding of how everything works.

You might find CruiseControlInstalled useful as well (if a little out
of date).
Before you begin

This guide assumes that you've already got a working project, with an
Ant build file and a CVS module for source control. Your ant buildfile
should have a single target, say "full-build", which performs all of
the build steps for your project, including compiling, building jars,
running tests, and generating the full software distribution.

This guide also assumes that there is a single output file from the
build, eg a Zip file containing all of your jars, docs etc. Once you've
got the simple things working, you'll be able to customize your build
exactly how you like it.

Note that we're setting up CC to take advantage of the new
multi-project support in v2.1. Although this adds a tiny bit of
complexity to the process, it will make it heaps easier when you later
want to add another project to your continuous integration.
1) Download and Build Cruise Control

a) You'll first need to get a copy of CruiseControl from . Unzip this file to your
applications directory. The top-level directory created when you
unzipped this file will be referred to as INSTALL_DIR.

b) You'll see 3 directories under INSTALL_DIR: docs, main, and
reporting. The core of CC is contained in "main". "docs" has a copy of
the website. "reporting" contains the source for the reporting
application, which can build a web application for showing build
results, as well as nice HTML emails. The reporting app is covered

c) Cruise is distributed as source files, so you'll need to build the
binaries. This should be a simple matter of running the appropriate
build script (, which will compile the sources, run
the tests, and build INSTALL_DIR/main/dist/cruisecontrol.jar.

d) Now try running CC (type "java -jar dist/cruisecontrol.jar" or use
the scripts (cruisecontrol.bat/ that are contained in
INSTALL_DIR/main/bin); you should get a "No config file" message, along
with usage details. This means that CC is installed OK. NOTE: A
cruisecontrol.log file will be created in the current directory.
2) Setup your Cruise Control working area

Now you need to set up your CC working directories, and config file.
These can/should be placed in a separate directory to INSTALL_DIR, as
they contain your data, as opposed to CC binaries.

a) Create a working area for cruise, eg /work/cruise. This will be
referred to as WORK_DIR.

b) Now create the following subdirectories:
WORK_DIR/checkout this is where cruise checks out your project from
CVS. (ClearCase users do not need this folder - you will check out
items from your ClearCase view.)
WORK_DIR/logs this is where cruise will write its build reports into.
WORK_DIR/artifacts this is where cruise can put any build output files
that need to be kept.

c) Create WORK_DIR/config.xml, like so:


d) Now try running CC from within WORK_DIR. (You will need to add
cruisecontrol.bat or to the PATH) By default, CC looks
for a config file named "config.xml". This should work ok. CC should
start up correctly, stating "BuildQueue started". However, to get
cruise to actually do anything, you'll need to configure a project.

Alternatively, you can run CC from another location, and specify the
path to config.xml using the - configfile commandline option. (Be
warned: the paths in your config file are relative to the current
directory, and not relative to the config file itself.)

NOTE: This directory structure works well for me, but feel free to set
things up however you please. The paths to these directories are all
specified in the configuration files.
3) Setup a project for Cruise Control to build

a) Manually checkout the CVS module for the project you want to build,
into WORK_DIR/checkout. We will refer to your project name as
MY_PROJECT_1, and assume that the CVS module has the same name. You
will now have a subdirectory like WORK_DIR/checkout/MY_PROJECT_1.

b) You now need to write a delegating Ant build script, which cruise
will run to build your project. Call this file
"build-MY_PROJECT_1.xml", and put it in WORK_DIR. Basically, this build
script should just call through to your project build file
(WORK_DIR/checkout/MY_PROJECT/build.xml), but it will probably contain
extra steps which are specific to the cruise build, like getting the
latest sources from CVS, and tagging the CVS tree after a successful
build. Of course, if your build already does this, you won't need to
add these commands to the cruise-build.

Heres an example of a delegating build script:

<!-- Delegating build script, used by cruisecontrol to build
Note that the basedir is set to the checked out project -->
<project name="build-MY_PROJECT_1" default="build"
<target name="build">
<!-- Get the latest from CVS -->
<cvs command="up -d -P"/>
<!-- Call the target that does everything -->
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="build-everything"/>

Notes: - If you're using VisualSourceSafe, try this vssget (latest)
command in place of the <cvs> call above. Be sure to substitue in your
properties where appropriate.

<vssget login="${vss.login},${vss.password}"
writable="false" />

Also, you may find that you want your ant script to make use of the
build label. The build label is passed in to the script as a property
named label. Simply use ${label} in the ant script. For an overview of
all properties passed to your build script, see Properties Passed To
The Build Scripts.
4) Configure Cruise Control to build your project

You now need to add project information to config.xml, so that cruise
will build your project. The config.xml file is the key to your Cruise
Control process, so this section is a bit more detailed than some of
the others. For more information, see the CruiseControl Configuration

a) Here is a config.xml example for the project configured above. Note
that this is the very minimum you'll need; we'll add extra stuff in
later. This "project" element is added inside the <cruisecontrol> tags
you created earlier:

<project name="MY_PROJECT_1" buildafterfailed="true">
<!-- Bootstrappers are run every time the build runs,
*before* the modification checks -->

<!-- Defines where cruise looks for changes, to decide whether to
run the build -->
<modificationset quietperiod="10">
<cvs localworkingcopy="checkout/MY_PROJECT_1"/>

<!-- Configures the actual build loop, how often and which build
file/target -->
<schedule interval="60">
<ant antscript="C:\apache-ant-1.6.2\bin\ant.bat"

<!-- directory to write build logs to -->
<log dir="logs/MY_PROJECT_1"/>

<!-- more recent versions of CC should use the listener below,
instead of the
currentbuildstatusbootstrapper, currentbuildstatuspublisher
NOTE: Must match filename in CC reporting/jsp - -->

<!-- Publishers are run *after* a build completes -->

Notes: - The "buildafterfailed" property tells cruise if it should keep
on trying to build, even if the last time failed and there have been no
changes. The good thing about this is that if the build failed because
a database server was unavailable, or some other transient problem, the
next attempt might succeed. The bad thing is that if there is a real
problem with the source in CVS, cruise will just keep on trying to
build until you fix the problem and commit it to CVS.

* The <log> element tells cruise where to put it's log reports,
which are the main output of a Cruise build.

* The <currentbuildstatusbootstrapper> element tells cruise the
name of a file where it can write notes about it's current activity.
This file is required by the web application, so we configure it here.
For multi-project configs it is probably easiest to place it in the
project logs directory, as above. This bootstrapper writes "Current
Build Started At: date" to this file.

* The <modificationset> element configures how cruise checks for
CVS changes, before running the build. The example given tells cruise
to use CVS to check for changes in it's local working copy of the
module, which you checked out earlier.

* If you're trying to get started with VisualSourceSafe (instead of
CVS), try this <modificationset> example:

<modificationset quietperiod="5">
<vss ssdir="\\Vssserver\vss\win32\"
serverpath="\\Vssserver\vss" />

Notes on the Vss element:

1. ssdir is the path (local or network) to your VSS Server ss.exe file
(not your VSS client).
2. vsspath is the location of your project in the VSS source tree (this
directory and down is what cruise will watch to determine if changes
have occurred in your project).
3. serverpath is the path (local or network) to your VSS Server
srcsafe.ini file.
4. multiple vcs directories can be specified, example:

<modificationset quietperiod="5">
<clearcase branch="v12dev" viewpath="\\views\dev\gui"/>
<clearcase branch="v12dev" viewpath="\\views\dev\osr"/>

5. If you're using Subversion, check out the Using CruiseControl with
Subversion page.
6. The "quietperiod" attribute tells cruise not to try to build while
the CVS repository is being actively updated. Instead, cruise waits
until it sees a period of quiet in the repository, before doing a
build. So if you're committing files individually to CVS, cruise will
wait until you've finished, as long as you don't take longer than the
quietperiod between commits. It is specified in seconds.
5) Configure Cruise Control to schedule your build

* The <schedule> element sets up the build-loop for your project,
with the "interval" attribute telling cruise how many seconds to sleep
in between builds.

* The <ant> element tells cruise which ant build file to run, and
which target. The uselogger and usedebug elements together tell cruise
not to write Ant debug statements to the build logs (This can make them
much smaller).

* The <ant> element allows properties to be set:

<ant antscript="C:\apache-ant-1.6.2\bin\ant.bat"
<property name="unittest" value="true"/>

* The <publishers> element configures actions to perform after the
build completes, such as sending emails, and copying files. At the
moment, all we're doing is writing a status message, using the
<currentbuildstatuspublisher>, which writes "Next Build Starts At:
time" to buildstatus.txt.

* With the "interval"(60) and "quietperiod"(10) above, cruise will
check for modifications in CVS every 60 seconds. If modifications were
made in the 10 seconds before the check, cruise will wait until a 10
second window with no changes is found. Once this happens, cruise will
kick off the ant build. These values are probably a bit low for the
real world, but they are OK for getting started.

* See the SchedulingExample page for more information on the
<modificationset> and <schedule> elements, as well as more complex

6) Start Cruise Control

If you now run cruise from your WORK_DIR, you should see cruise start.
To kick off a build, you may need to commit changes to CVS (not from
the checkout/MY_PROJECT_1, but from another location). If the build
fails, cruise will keep on trying, until you get it right. You don't
need to restart cruise if you change config.xml or your delegating
build file, since cruise reloads these every time a build is performed.

If you look in WORK_DIR/logs/MY_PROJECT_1, you'll see the cruise build
reports, which are big, ugly XML files. Any file that ends with
"build.?.xml" indicates a successful build, while other xml files
indicate failures. Fortunately, you don't need to parse these files
yourself, because CC provides a web application which can present these
results in HTML format. But for now, you're up and running, and every
time you commit to CVS, cruise will pick up those changes and build

Note: You should really start cruise control using the
script in main/bin, as this will add tools.jar to your classpath. If
you don't your compile targets may fail, leaving you possibly (as I was
when trying all this), one confused puppy.
7) Building the web app

The CC web reporting application, like CC core, needs to be built
before it can be used. This time, the build process needs to be told
where to find your WORK_DIR and other details.

Unfortunately, the only way to do this presently is by adding a
properties file to your installation directory. Hopefully, we can soon
have a webapp build which doesn't require modifications to INSTALL_DIR,
but can read these properties from a different file.

a) Open the "INSTALL_DIR/reporting/jsp" directory.

b) Create a new file called "", the properties in
this file will be used to generate the Web.xml (deployment descriptor)
for the web app. The file should look like this:

# This should be the full path to your CruiseControl log directory.
# If you are in multi-project mode, there will be multiple
# inside this log directory, one for each project.
# This should be the path to your current build status file, #
expressed relative to the project's log directory.

# This should be the absolute path to the directory where #
additional build artifacts are stored.

If using JDK 1.4, add



c) Generate cruisecontrol.war by executing " war" or "build.bat
war" in the directory INSTALL_DIR/reporting/jsp.

d) Deploy the generated web application
"INSTALL_DIR/reporting/jsp/dist/cruisecontrol.war" to your application
server, and browse to APPLICATION_PATH/index.jsp. This page provides
links to the buildresults page for each project (good for multi-project

e) The "Build Results" tab provides a formatted set of reports on what
was changed, and if the build was successful. The "XML Log File" tag
shows the XML log as a raw HTML file. Don't worry about the "Test
Details" and "Control Panel" tabs; they are just placeholders, and
aren't implemented yet...

NOTE: To run under Tomcat 4.1.27 with JDK1.4, I needed to remove
xalan.jar and xerces.jar from the INSTALL_DIR/reporting/jsp/lib
directory. These files clash with the regular JDK versions. Do this
before step c)
8) Getting the build artifacts link working

By using the artifacts publisher, together with the Artifacts link in
the reporting app, cruise can provide access to historical build
output, test results and other important build artifacts.

a) Add an <artifactspublisher> element to the <publishers> element of
your config.xml, which publishes the desired build artifact(s) to a
timestamped directory under the WORK_DIR/artifacts directory.


This assumes that you want to publish all files that end up in the
"build/output" directory after running the ant build. You can also use
the file="" form, but this unfortunately creates the entire directory
structure under the artifacts dir, just to get the single file.
(Probably a better approach would be to modify your cruise build to
first copy the build artifacts to a common temporary location, so that
your config file doesn't have to contain the path to the actual files
in the checked-out project.)

b) The "Build Artifacts" link should now work. NOTE: in some browsers
(namely Mozilla) this page doesn't render correctly, you just see the
raw HTML. This should be fixed soon.
9) Reporting build status via email

A good way to keep track of your continuous integration is by receiving
emails, either for every build, or just for the ones that fail. This is
done by adding an <email> publisher to the set of publishers.

a) The most basic email functionality sends emails to one set of
addresses on every single build (success or failure), and another set
of addresses just on failured builds. To set this up, add an element
like this to your <publishers> element:

<email mailhost="SMTP_HOST"
skipusers="true" spamwhilebroken="true">
<always address=""/>
<always address=""/>
<failure address=""/>

In this case, there are 2 addresses that always get sent build
notifications, and another that will only receive notifications of

b) If you also want individual committers to receive email for all
builds where they made changes, then set "skipusers" to false, and add
a <map alias="cvsuser" address=""/> for each user
inside the <email> element. Alternatively, you can add an email map to
the CVS module. Or, as a 3rd alternative, cruise can append a default
suffix to the user name to derive an email address.

c) To get nicely formatted HTML mail you need to use the HTML email
publisher. Replace <email> with <htmlemail> and add some extra

Add these 3 required attributes to the <htmlemail> element you set up
in step 1):


10) Modifying the HTML reports

The output you see in the web application, and the HTML emails, is the
result of applying a number of XSLT stylesheets to the single XML build
report that cruise creates. (You can see these reports in your
WORK_DIR/logs directory).

By default, the log report is formatted like this:

(contains details of CVS changes since last build)
(contains project details)
(the XML output from ant)

The header message you see on the web page is generated by an XSL
stylesheet that reads the <info> element, and the "Modifications since
last build" section is built by a stylesheet that uses the
<modifications> element.

Various XSLT stylesheets are provided with the CC distribution, located
in INSTALL_DIR/reporting/jsp/webcontent/xsl.

These include:

header.xsl: Generates the build failed / success messages, and outputs
the time of build and last changes. Uses the <info> and <modifications>

modifications.xsl: Generates the "Modifications since last build"
report, from the <modifications> element.

compile.xsl: looks for <javac> and <ejbjar> elements in your build
output, and creates a report of the errors and warnings

distributables.xsl: builds a list of jars and wars generated by you
build by searching the build output for <jar> and <war> tasks.

javadoc.xsl: Reports on errors and warnings generated by <javadoc>
elements in your build.

logfile.xml: prints the entire XML log to HTML (can be viewed in the
XML Log File tab of the web app)

unittests.xsl: Builds a report on unit test failures, based on the
presense of <testsuite> elements in your log file. These <testsuite>
elements can be generated automatically by a <junitreport> task, but
you must tell CC to merge these into the generated log file (see

checkstyle.xml: Builds a report of checkstyle failures, based on the
presence of a <checkstyle> element in your log file. You must tell CC
to merge your checkstyle output into your log file for this to work.
(see below)
11) Merging other XML files into your logfile.

In order for the "unittests" and "checkstyle" reports to work, you need
to tell Cruise to merge the separate XML log files generated by <junit>
and <checkstyle> into your main CC log file. This is done by adding a
<merge> element to your <log> element in the config file.

<!-- directory to write build logs to -->
<log dir="logs/MY_PROJECT_1">
<merge dir="checkout/MY_PROJECT_1/build/junit-reports/"/>

(Once again, it may be better to copy any required files to a common
temporary location in your cruise-build file, rather than coding the
path to your checked out project in the config file.)

Note that you can have CC include a report from <junitreport> by using
the file attribute (e.g: <merge file="..."/>).

After doing this, the checkstyle report should appear in you webapp
report, and HTML emails. (The report only shows up if there are
checkstyle warnings/errors in the merged report). The same mechanism
can be used to provide unit test reports, and any other reports you
care to code up in XSLT.


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