New Release!!

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Jun 24, 2007, 1:57:46 AM6/24/07
Hello everybody!
Wow, it was quite a ride since last version!! Lots of bugs squashed and some awesome new features!! Sorry for the delays.

What's new:
-Support for binary data types (byte arrays).
-Read only objects can now work stand alone (by adding a get criteria).
-Support for using readonly objects and collections as child properties of any object type (except nvl of course).
-Better template reuse.
-Reworked event system. Now all events are of type EventHandler. ALL parameters you could possibly need can be retrieved from local context. (See below)
-Added a "ParentType" editor. (more editors coming)
-New project properties windows. Now in a tab and merged with the generation properties.
-The Generation Window has been dropped in favor of the new project properties window. Clicking generate now starts generation immediately.
-Output window part of the main ui (like visual studio).

And last, but certainly not the least:
Need to load grand children? grand grand children? grand grand grand children? well, you get the point...
-Deep hierarchy loading using datasets!!!  Cslagen can now handle the most obscenely deep and wide object hierarchies. (Provided you have your parent properties and relations in the db set up correctly of course).

I know that those that had to hand code that part probably have tears in their faces by now...
Well, don't wipe them out, wear them with pride!! :D

Local context parameters: They all start with "dp" (as in dataportal)
dpDataRow (for the current datarow)

Note, the local context params are a very new thing, so watch it while loading other objects inside events since they might get reset. I hope to stabilize this as I do more testing.

I know we had a few feature intensive releases in the past 3 or 4 weeks. The aim will be to stabilize the code now, so start reporting issues as you find them!!

But wait, that's not all!!

As you all know, C# support has been dead for quite long. Not anymore!! Many thanks to Frederiek Lefebvre (fretje) for porting all the changes. He has done an awesome job in a very short time, so be nice if you find any bugs. If you're a c# guy, make sure you extend your gratitude to him ;)

As usual, backup everything before testing.


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