Fwd: [了了而已] 推荐酷站:WhoLinked,看看谁链接了你的网站!

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Qiu Xianli

2006年6月1日 04:42:432006/6/1
收件人 Blogg...@googlegroups.com、Gpag...@googlegroups.com、msn-s...@googlegroups.com、web...@googlegroups.com、cnblog...@googlegroups.com、fa...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Qiu Xianli < qiux...@gmail.com>
Date: May 31, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: I'd like to translate it into Chinese!
To: in...@wholinked.com

Below is the translation.i hope i did it right.
/////////////////////////////////////   sentence by sentence  //////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////  every translation start with "//"   //////////////////////////////////////////
this is your navigationbar:
Paste it into your site in 1 minute 
In real time, WhoLinked shows the other websites that are linking to you - from all over the Web. Here are the benefits
step 1 of 3 
Choose a size from the four examples below, then click "Customize" to adjust your title bar and colors.  
All Rights Reserved. 

WhoLinked collects no user information of any kind. 

The only information WhoLinked collects is your link information from the public search engines, such as Google®, Yahoo!® and MSN®.
//WhoLinked 收集的唯一信息是来自于公共搜索引擎(比如Google®, Yahoo!® and MSN®)的您的链接信息.

You can do the same search we do by going to one of these search engines and entering:  @: mydomain.com 
/在/这些搜索引擎中的任何一个,通过输入@: mydomain.com,您可以做和我们同样的搜索.

Please email us
here .

Stuck? Please email us a message below and we'll get right back to you. Check the FAQ if you haven't already. in...@wholinked.com  
//有疑问?请用下面的地址给我们发邮件,我们会立刻联系你.如果还没有看过帮助 ,请先查阅帮助.

1. It encourages your visitors to link to you.

Sites that link to yours will show up on your WhoLinked box. It rewards them for linking to you. Cool, eh?
//链接到你的网站将显示在你的WhoLinked box上.这是对他们链接到你的网站的回报.很酷,不是吗?
2. It demonstrates the quality of your site.

By showing that other important sites are linking to yours, your visitors see that you're for real. It's a fast, easy way to convey how good your site is.
Please email us
here . 


What does it do? 

WhoLinked queries the search engines for your links, then sends the results to your WhoLinked box for your visitors to see.
//Wholinked在搜索引擎上查询您的链接,然后把结果返回到您的Wholinked box,让您的访问者看到.

Your site's link information is with the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN. WhoLinked retrieves these links, and shows them in your site's WhoLinked box.
//在搜索引擎,比如Google,Yahoo和MSN上有您的链接信息,我们检索这些链接,并把他们显示在您网站上的WhoLinked box上.

Is this really free?
For now, WhoLinked is free - supported by sponsors under the box's explanation window. Please click on them and help keep us free!

How do I benefit?
Hugely. Here are the
Wholinked Benefits to You .

Which links do you show?
We show the highest-quality links first, as determined by the search engines. This includes Google® PageRank. If you have more links than there is room for, they won't show up.
//我们首先显示质量最好的链接,这是由搜索引擎决定的.这包括Google® PageRank.如果你的链接数超过了空间能显示的数目,他们将不会显示出来.

How do I install it?

If you are not sure about copying and pasting the code into your web site, the best way is to find someone who is. It is very simple to do for even brand-new website owners.
//如果你不太清楚如何复制并粘贴代码到你的网站,最好找会这样做的人.这将是非常简单的, 即便对那些网站新手.

How do I change the colors?
It's the last step before you get your code. Start at the homepage and give it a try.

How do I change the width?

When you get your code to paste in, you'll see a wholinked_width value to adjust. The default is 100%, but you can do whatever you want, including a fixed-width value such as "170px".

Can I import it into my blog?

The paste-in javascript works fine for most people, but we have a TypePad/Movable Type installer here at SixApart and are working on a WordPress version. But again, you can just paste in the javascript quite easily.
//粘贴代码对绝大部分人来说都能正常执行.不过我们在SixApart有一个TypePad/Movable Type设置程序,我们也正在开发WordPress的版本.但是,你可以直接简单的粘贴javascript.

Mine is showing search engine URLs instead of other website URLs.

If there are not enough sites linking to you yet, we populate the empty rows with clickable search engine urls that show how many pages you have listed on each. It keeps visitors interested until more sites start linking to you.

Still Stuck?
Please email us here. 

//WhoLinked 帮助

Stuck? Please email us a message below and we'll get right back to you. Check the FAQ if you haven't already.   in...@wholinked.com
//有疑问?请用下面的地址给我们发邮件,我们回立刻联系你.如果还没有看过帮助 ,请先查阅帮助.


# http://wholinked.com/config_5.htm


Choose your own color scheme, then copy the javascript below to paste into your site.
Select the area you want to color, then click a color from the color box. When you're happy with the results, copy the code below and paste into your website pages. You can change the width and font in the code as well, plus use your own custom RGB colors. 
Accent Color 
Headline Color 
Background Color 
Text Color 

Copy and paste the code above into your site. 

Stuck? Please email us
here . 

Stuck? Please email me! ^_^
Good Luck!

Posted by Qiu Xianli to 了了而已 at 5/31/2006 10:22:33 下午


2006年6月1日 05:20:062006/6/1
收件人 Blogg...@googlegroups.com
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