Fatah, Hamas Call for Abduction of More Israelis

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Pastor Dale Morgan

17.04.2007, 22:29:5017.04.07
an Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
*Perilous Times

Fatah, Hamas Call for Abduction of More Israelis*

by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

(IsraelNN.com) In separate statements released this week, the Hamas and
Fatah organizations, which share power in the Palestinian Authority
government, called for the immediate abduction of more Israelis. The
terrorist groups explained in their public call to action that more

The Fatah "urges all our fighters to capture and abduct Israeli soldiers
and civilians."
Israeli hostages would give the PA greater leverage in negotiating the
release of thousands of Arabs currently imprisoned in Israeli jails.

In their most recent communique, as reported by the Bethlehem-based
Ma'an news agency, the Fatah-controlled Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades "urge
all our fighters to capture and abduct Israeli soldiers and civilians."
The call was issued, the Fatah faction explained, after "there was no
response by the Israelis to release the prisoners...." If Israel
persists in refusing to release those Arabs jailed for terrorist crimes,
the statement threatens, then Fatah will target Israelis wherever they
may be. Fatah is headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), with
whom Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice recently met.

According to Ma'an, Hamas addressed a similar call for more kidnappings
to its own members, as well as to Fatah, the Popular Resistance
Committees (PRC), Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine and others. The Hamas statement urged all PA terrorist
factions "to work together to capture more Israeli soldiers in order to
exchange them with Palestinian prisoners," as reported by Ma'an.

In the same statements inciting the abduction of Israelis - civilians
and soldiers - Fatah and Hamas appealed to human rights organizations
and to the international community to play a role in securing the
release of imprisoned PA terrorists. The Hamas statement, as well as a
parallel release issued by the PRC terrorists, also called upon the PA
government to take action on the diplomatic front to obtain the
terrorists' release. The PRC, for its part, stated that it too would do
all in its power to release PA prisoners from Israeli jails.

In what was possibly a veiled reply to rumors that Hamas did not include
jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti in its list of Arab prisoners whose
freedom it is demanding, the Hamas statement explicitly stated that the
organization "intends to release all the prisoners, regardless of their
faction or affiliation, by all means available and at any cost,
especially after the failure of the diplomatic efforts, the weak
agreements and the false promises."

In its communique, Hamas called on Israel to "comply with the factions'
demands" and quickly conclude an exchange deal. Hamas, along with other
PA factions, has been holding IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit hostage in Gaza
since July 2006. In exchange for
In the same statements inciting the abduction of Israelis, Fatah and
Hamas appealed to human rights organizations.
Shalit's freedom, the PA has demanded the release of over 1,000 jailed
Arab terrorists.

The Hamas, Fatah and PRC statements, as well as those of other PA
factions, were issued in honor of what has been declared Palestinian
Prisoners Day by the PA government.

Israeli Arab MK: Israel is a 'Terrorist State'

Attending Prisoners Day activities in PA-controlled Tul Karem on
Tuesday, Israeli Member of Knesset Mohammad Barakeh called Israel a
"terrorist state," and expressed sympathy for Arab terrorists imprisoned
in Israeli jails. "All they did was fight for their freedom," declared
Barakeh, who is the head of the Hadash party in the Israeli parliament.
Hadash is Israel's Communist party faction.

Barakeh said that Israel was using the terrorist prisoners as hostages,
because they have the right to go free. He called on Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert to make "good-will gestures" to local Arabs if he wants to begin
peace talks with neighboring countries.

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