Teraflop Micro-Chip hints at the future

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Pastor Dale Morgan

2007年2月12日 下午4:46:252007/2/12
*Perilous Times*

*Teraflop Micro-Chip hints at the future*

A chip with 80 processing cores and capable of more than a trillion
calculations per second (teraflop) has been unveiled by Intel.

The Teraflop chip is not a commercial release but could point the way to
more powerful processors, said the firm.

The chip achieves performance on a piece of silicon no bigger than a
fingernail that 11 years ago required a machine with 10,000 chips inside it.

The challenge is to find a way to program the many cores simultaneously.

Current desktop machines have up to four separate cores, while the Cell
processor inside the PlayStation 3 has eight (seven of them useable).
Each core is effectively a programmable chip in its own right.

But to take advantage of the extra processing power, programmers need to
gives instructions to each core that work in parallel with one another.

There are already specialist chips with multiple cores - such as those
used in router hardware and graphics cards - but Dr Mark Bull, at the
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, said multi-core chips were forcing
a sea-change in the programming of desktop applications.

...the same computing power required 2,000 square feet

"It's not too difficult to find two or four independent things you can
do concurrently, finding 80 or more things is more difficult, especially
for desktop applications.

"It is going to require quite a revolution in software programming.

"Massive parallelism has been the preserve of the minority - a few
people doing high-performance scientific computing.

"But that sort of thing is going to have to find its way into the

The first time teraflop performance was achieved was 11 years on the
ASCI Red Supercomputer built by Intel for the Sandia National Laboratory.

It is going to require quite a revolution in software programming-Dr
Mark Bull

That machine took up more than 2,000 square feet, was powered by almost
10,000 Pentium Pro processors, and consumed more than 500 kilowatts of

"Our researchers have achieved a wonderful and key milestone in terms of
being able to drive multi-core and parallel computing performance
forward," said Justin Rattner, Intel Senior Fellow and chief technology

"It points the way to the near future when teraflops-capable designs
will be commonplace and reshape what we can all expect from our
computers and the internet at home and in the office."

The Teraflop chip uses less electricity than many current high-end
processors, making the design attractive for use in home computers.

It consumes 62 watts, and the cores can power on and off independently,
making it more energy efficient.

Intel says that commercial spin-offs of the chip could see it being used
in high-definition entertainment PCs, servers and handheld devices.

Possible uses include artificial intelligence, instant video
communications, photo-realistic games and real-time speech recognition,
said the firm.

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