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Welcome to Amarillo Bay!
Something Good To Read

Amarillo Bay is the online literary magazine containing the finest modern literature.

Go to the Contents to see the works available in the current issue. You also can browse among the many hundreds of works from previous issues. When you finish reading a work, you'll have the opportunity to let us know what you think of it.

Note: For information about literary magazines and our authors, see our Useful Links.

What Is a Literary Magazine?

Most magazines contain feature stories, advertising, opinion, and maybe one or two works of fiction. The fiction is designed to appeal to the casual reader.

A literary magazine, however, contains only works of literary merit. Since the objective is to present carefully crafted literature—fiction, poetry, and nonfiction—rather than to make money, the editors select works based on the excellence of the writing rather than for commercial viability, confident that their readers recognize and appreciate fine writing.

Literary magazines allow writers to explore new ways of writing free from concerns about the commercial marketplace. They are also a showcase for works of professional writers who have written works that are not appropriate for traditional magazines.

Amarillo Bay continues the tradition of literary magazines in the new medium of the Web. The Web eliminates the cost of printing, the major expense of most literary magazines. In addition, all work is done by volunteers and authors receive no monetary compensation.

Check out the works in our current issue and enjoy!