Urgent Appeal Update: 8 still being held in Police Station

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09.12.2008, 04:20:3109.12.08
an Forum Asia - Yuyun, hong kong human rights monitor- chong yiu kwong, korean human rights foundation- youngmi yang, ACILS - William Conklin, INFID - Wahyu Susilo, comunity legal education centre- yeng virak, Urna, TWN, Judicial System Monitoring Program - Timotio, Tim Anderson, Jasbir London, Taiwan Association for HR, suyadi, APF - Suraina, INFORM - Sunila, Sulee Forum Asia, ACHR - Suhas Chakma, INSEC -- Subohd, INSEC-Subohd, State Watch, Sriprapha, HRW - Mickey Spiegel, international bridges to justice-sanjeeva, accountabilty-simon zadek, Minority Rights Group, Equitas - Sneh, Think Center - Samydorai, Think Center - Samydorai, Lebret Irfed - Sally Rousset, FIDH - Simia Ahmadi, AI Netherlands - Sabestiaan Bom, LST - Ruki, ICLMG, OSI - Rie Nakamura, RIC - Haseeb, APWLD, Forum Asia - Pong, pilipina legal reources centre, inc- isabelita saloma-antonio, Abbot, Phil (Malaysia), PAN AP, philippine alliance for human rights advocates, Asahi, guissou jahangiri, OMCT, ELSAM, Odhikar Bangladesh, UNDP-Lkhagvasuren Nomin, AHRC - Norman, Focus on the Global South - Nicola, National Center Against Violence - Moogi, Michael Anthony, Migrant Care - Anis, Migrant Forum in Asia, SEACA _ Marissa, PAHRA - Max, PAHRA - Max De Mesa, OSI - Maureen, December 18 - Marie d'Auchamp, AI Canada - Margaret John, conflict prevention-marte hellema, OSI - Lara Johnson, IRR - Liz Fekeke, lee. kyung-sook, KIOS - Kristiina, korean public interest lawyer- hwang, Koalisi NGO HAM Aceh - Faisal Hadi, APF - Kieren, korean house for international solidarity- choe, kanlungan centre for foundation-florence, Centre for Constituitional Rights- Shayana Kadidal, cairo institute or human rights studies, JRS Indonesia Els Coolen, Jorge Martin, NED - John Knaus, John Hutnyk, Article 19 - Jessica, AHRC - Jeongho Moon, asia pasific humanrights centre -jefferson r.Plantilla, Jasbir Singh, Focus on the Global South - Joy Chavez, IWRAW, Inter Parliamentary Union - Ingeborg Schwartz, IPDC, INFORM, Initiatives for International Dialogue, Institute for Defense Security and Peace Studies, ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmmar Caucus, IMADR-nimalka fernando, IMADR - Nilmaka, ICG Jakarta, FIDH, International Service for Human Rights - Imaculada, ISHR - Immaculada, HRWG, cambodian human riights and development association ADHOC, Hazel AI, Focus on the Global South - Herbert, People's Watch Tamil Nadu - Henri Tiphange, Hazel Galang AI, Kontras - Haris, Forum Asia - Kim Giyoun, giorgia...@amnesty.org, OHCHR - Graham Fox, icsw-gerry fox, ISHR - Gareth Sweeney, APPPB - Khin Omar, Forum Asia - Emerlynne, sungkonghoe university-eun, Human Rights First - Matthew Easton, Durban Review Conference, OMCT - Delphine, Commonwealth HR Initiative, Article 19 - Dini, Grain - Devlin Kuyek, Altsean Burma, burma peace foundation-david, Human Rights Now, Kun Chung Lin, SEACA - Corinna, UNI-APRO - Christopher Ng, the arakan project-chris lewa, Korean House for International Solidarity - Choe Mikyung, SWAN - Charm Tong, AI London - Charlotte, Tina Ebro, Ceceilia Jimenez, Clement Voule ISHR, Sungkonghoe University - Rebecca Kim, Pax Romana - Budi, TNI - Brid Brennan, Friendship-Nepal, Bruno Munser Foundation, INSEC - Bijaya, Forum Asia - Bernice, Statewatch - Ben Hayes, IMCS - Adrian Pereira, Aye Aye Win, ASIADHRRA, OSI - Abigail Schwartz, Asian Student Association, ARROW, international council on human rights policy- robrt, AMRC - Apo, the asia pasific forum, FNV - Annie van Wezel, Altsean Burma - Anelyn, AI Germany - Andreas, EvB- Dr.Andreas Missbach, a...@theasiamediaforum.org, FIDH - Antoine Madelin, Migrant Care - Alex Ong, Institute for Global Justice - Alex, OMCT - Alexandre, AHRC - Urgent Appeal, Asia Federation Against Involuntarily Disappearances, australia asia worker links jiselle hanna AAWL, 518group, 518Memorial Foundation
Address:  433A, Jalan 5/46, Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Telephone: +6 03 7784 3525                                Fax: +6 03 7784 3526

suaram@suaram. net                                Web: www.suaram.net


Urgent Appeal Update: 9 December 2008

i) 2 Jerit Volunteers still being held in IPD Taiping ,

ii) 4 JERIT coordinators, Sungai Siput MP and the bus driver is still being held in Kuala Kangsar (6)

iii) After more than 3 hours, the Pajero, Van and Lorry of the southern JERIT team was released

Two JERIT activists who have been arrested by the police in Taiping around 12noon today still are being held in IPD Taiping. They were arrested for leafleting the JERIT bicycle campaign leaflet.  

5 others including MP Sungai Siput Dr. Jayakumar Devaraj were arrested by the IPD Kuala Kangsar for questioning the police who was taking Identity Cards from the cyclists.  They were still being held in IPD Kuala Kangsar.

Altogether 8   individuals have been arrested on the seventh day of the JERIT cycle campaign. One of the female JERIT activists, Helen Mary Johnson has been molested and punched on the face by a police officer while she was taking photographs. Another JERIT activist Lee Huat Seng’s Lee Huat Seng's camera was confisticated and in the process the police hurt him in the arm.

On the other hand, lorry, Pajero and van containing JERIT leaflets and bicycles belong to the southern JERIT team were released around 4pm. This was done after taking statements from the drivers of the vehicles. One of them, Cheng (driver of the van) was released on police bail as the leaflet is being investigated as there is no proper "information” on the publisher.

SUARAM strongly condemns the police for their ongoing attacks and intimidation on freedom of expression, a fundamental right which is guaranteed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. We demand the Malaysian government to allow the cyclist to continue cycling and practice their freedom of expression as stated in Federal Constitution.

The arrested are:

1.  Ooi  Choon Nam (IPD Taiping)

2.  Yong Chat Wah (IPD Taiping)

3. Dr. Jayakumar Devaraj (IPD Kuala Kangsar)

4. Rani Rasiah (IPD Kuala Kangsar)

5. Jothi (IPD Kuala Kangsar)

6. Sugumaran (IPD Kuala Kangsar)

7. Karthik (IPD  Kuala Kangsar)

8. S Vasu Rao, 49.



JERIT or Oppressed People's Movement is organizing a cycling campaign throughout the nation to put forward six demands to the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The campaign officially began on the 3rd December at Wisma Darul Aman Kedah. 50 cyclists have been flagged off from Wisma Darul Aman and they would cycle for sixteen days through Kedah, Penang, Perak, and Selangor. On 18th December they will handover a memorandum to the Prime Minister in Parliament.

4 December: A volunteer of the campaign, Ruben s/o Loganathan has been arrested at Merbau Pulas, Kedah, for leafleting leaflets containing demands of JERIT's Bicycle campaign, but released under police bail on the same day.

5 December: Teluk Kumbar police had stopped the cyclist of JERIT cycle campaign from leafleting in Teluk Kumbar, Penang.

6 December: 16 Activist has been arrested in Skudai Johor.

For further details please contact Nalini E at 019-3758912

Released By,
SUARAM Coordinator
Urgent action needed:
Please write protest letters to the government and the police to express your strongest condemnation of the arrests and the ongoing denial of rights of expression. Please also demand the Malaysian government to allow the cyclist to continue their campaign and allow them to practice their freedom of expression as stated in Federal Constitution.

Please call and send your protest letters to:
1. IPD Taiping

Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Taiping,
Jln Taming Sari,
34000 Taiping,

Tel: 05-8291222

Fax: 05-8077169

OCPD Taiping: 019 6000240

2. IPD Kuala Kangsar

Jalan Raja Chulan,
33000 Kuala Kangsar,

Tel: 05 7762222

Fax: 05-7772741

OCPD Gaafar: 012 7132719
3. Inspector-General of Police

Tan Sri Musa Hassan
Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia,
50560 Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +603 2262 6015
Fax: +603 2272 5613



[Letterhead of your organisation]

Inspector-General of Police
Tan Sri Musa Hassan
Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia,

50560 Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +603 2262 6015
Fax: +603 2272 5613

Dear Sir,
Re: Release  8 JERIT  Activists Immediately

 We are writing to you, once again, to express our outrage and our strongest condemnation over your government's ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression.

We are appalled by your government and the police's latest actions and view this as yet another attempt by your government to intimidate Malaysian citizens from participating in any form of public assembly and exercising their freedom to express their views.

We demand that the eight activists to be released immediately and unconditionally and allow cyclists to continue their campaign in Johor. We further demand that your government stops the assault on freedom of expression.

We strongly urge you, once again, to stop bringing shame to Malaysia, a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council. We would like to remind you that freedom of expression is guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

Yours sincerely,


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