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OASIS And Link?

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Jan 19, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/19/99
Hey can you maybe

Put a link to MY page on OASIS? Here is the address:

It is a good autism site, at least I hope so. I am always open to suggestions.

Thomas A. McKean

Jan 20, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/20/99
Reminds me of baboons picking lice off each other. Or maybe two kids
comparing buggers.

In article <>,

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Jan 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/25/99
Hey Tom McKean!

Just wanted to say hello and keep up the good work!

Some people (eyreland) need to work on their issues and stop hunting for
opportunities for cheap shots! Maybe that is the only form of interaction he
can handle.

You have a great website and we are all proud of you.

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
OASIS is a piece of crap. The web page owner chooses only links that please
her own personal little autism agenda. Tommy is part of the problem, not the
solution. You folks need to kick him off the Board at the Autism Society of
America. Here is a link OASIS refuses:

The old crony listowners and web-page geeks pretty much hug and wallow in
their pseudo-power of keeping autism discussion onto THEIR favorite topics
and you folks sending money to THEIR favorite slush fund. These are the
issues I am working on, dear. Glad you brought up the subject.

In article <>,

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Mike Stanton

Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99

There are no links to other sites from this web page, making it a dead end
for people doing autism research.

Take Care

parent, teacher and learning all the time. wrote in message <78jj16$ad$>...


Jan 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/26/99
Dear Micha Hackett, or Michael Hackett, of Eyreland?

Still not sure which one you are. The Politician Or the Special Education
Teaching Assistant?
Since you both share the same e-mail address, it's very difficult to tell. . By
the way, I'm not stalking, simply reading information (including both of your
resumes which are out there on the internet for public consumption) And if you
do a web search, there is a newspaper article about your campaign -(or Micha's)
again for all to see. Once you're a politician, you'll have to put up with
invasions into your private life and behavior... Don't you think?

Again, Mike (Micha?) I only rejected your link because of your nastiness. Do
you use that same approach with the parents of the kids you work with? So tell
us your agenda? Do you tell any special education kids that their parents are

I refuse the link to your site because I don't want any of my visitors to have
to meet up with you. Especially parents who are trying really hard to find

I have no slush fund...wish I did. Instead I pay for everything myself and
collect no dues.

But what about you? According to your web page
you're selling Paper Money with a Picture of Princess Diane on it, and saying
that it "goes towards funding your research?" (see basically erase the cryptose
and back up.

Do contributors get a receipt? How is this money spent exactly? How are
you using the money to "help research into crypto-sensitivity syndrome".

Funny, I've just figured it out! Mike
Hack,'re the TWIT!

>Subject: Re: OASIS And Link?
>Date: 1/26/99 12:15 AM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <78jj16$ad$>

>OASIS is a piece of crap. The web page owner chooses only links that please
>her own personal little autism agenda. Tommy is part of the problem, not the
>solution. You folks need to kick him off the Board at the Autism Society of
>America. Here is a link OASIS refuses:

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
No, Stanton, you and the Autism Society of America are the DEAD END. You
are a twit and on its Board. As for the site , it is superb
and one of the most important documents easily available, readable and
comprehensible for people new to autism and aspergers and PDD-NOS. Get a
life BOZO and keep your slimely lips off me.

In article <78kbdl$ia1$>,

"Mike Stanton" <> wrote:
> There are no links to other sites from this web page, making it a dead end
> for people doing autism research.
> --
> Take Care
> Mike
> parent, teacher and learning all the time.
> wrote in message <78jj16$ad$>...

> >OASIS is a piece of crap. The web page owner chooses only links that please
> >her own personal little autism agenda. Tommy is part of the problem, not
> the
> >solution. You folks need to kick him off the Board at the Autism Society of
> >America. Here is a link OASIS refuses:
> >
> >

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------

Jan 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/27/99
Opps, scratch that remark about Stanton as being on the Board of the
American Autism Society. It is that twit McKean who is on the ASA; I got the
two of you crossed up. If it is any consolation to you, Stanton, McKean is
worse than you are at being a junk yard attack dog. You both are twits and
should be ashamed of yourselves the way you attack posters personally. It is
called "attacking the messenger because you don't like the message." Oh did I
mention you both are twits.

Jan 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/28/99
Barb, you are invading privacy AND stalking. Although some things about me
can be found on the net, including every post I have written, for you to look
up and give out personal details of me with intent to do harm to me IS
stalking. Your twit-page OASIS is a stack of crap, just as I have said. Your
retaliation against me for stating my opinion of your crap-page is to
encourage others to disregard me by threatening that you have access to
personal information about me that, at your whim, you can distribute to
others with the intent of destroying my personal life. As I have said before
OASIS is crap, lorded over by a self-serving, vengeful, stalking dowger. I
invite anyone who wants to learn more about me to access anything they wish
about me (I have given out hundreds of times the web address where you picked
up your so-called revelations, a.k.a threatening info. However, you put out
the info to this group with the intent of bringing harm toward me and your
post here below is intended to be threatening, a sort of "back off
criticizing OASIS or I will get you fired" message. You are part of a
close-minded, prissy gang of listowners and web-page owners who put too much
value on superficiality at the expense of reality. For those who haven't
followed my three years of postings, my first kick-off from a list was for
stating that Macaroni and Cheese was junk food. ALL the autism lists are
censored--censored by narrow-minded, controlling twits. The public forums
bit.listserv.autism and are the only ones you and your ilk
cannot control with your petty, twit, narrow-scope, inbred ideas about autism
and Aspergers. I still assume you rejected a link to my Asperger Web-page
because of pressure and suggestion from your twit friends, the other twit
listowners and flamers. You, Barb, are not a friend of autism or Asperger,
you are a stick in the mud and part of the problem. By the way, politicians
are elected officials, and really, gal, since you don't like me please get
your snout out of the crease of my case. Say hello to your censoring cronies
over at maelstrom for me, hon. Oh yeh, di I mention that OASIS is a stack of

In article <>,

> >OASIS is a piece of crap. The web page owner chooses only links that please
> >her own personal little autism agenda. Tommy is part of the problem, not the
> >solution. You folks need to kick him off the Board at the Autism Society of
> >America. Here is a link OASIS refuses:
> >
> >

> >The old crony listowners and web-page geeks pretty much hug and wallow in
> >their pseudo-power of keeping autism discussion onto THEIR favorite topics
> >and you folks sending money to THEIR favorite slush fund. These are the
> >issues I am working on, dear. Glad you brought up the subject.

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------


Jan 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/28/99
Way to go Eyreland...keep me laughing!!!! Like I stated previously...I need
the humor in my life right now!


Jan 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/28/99
Re: "....web-page owners who put too much value on superficiality at the
expense of reality". (See reference)

My apologies to the few who care about reality and not appearances. But, you
could easily replace "web page owners" with "society". Reflect on school
systems, IPPs, IEPs, Careproviders, lawyers, doctors, engineers, politicians,
consultants, Regional Centers (us--Pogo)......etc. And of course the current
situation with the Pres, House, and Senate (there are no innocent parties).
What superficial spins and stupid rationalizations. Talk about examples for our
kids! Are we teaching them that spins/rationalizations are not lies? Big
Brother is not the enemy. Doublespeak and doublethink are.

Which is the worst lie: One to your wife, husband, child, friend? One to a
grand jury? One that spins the truth to those who need help pulling themselves
up by their bootstraps? What a waste!

Just another twit--

Ps: Web page owners maybe the least offensive. At least they are more obvious
in most cases.

Subject: NO, not OASIS !!!
Date: 01/27/99 11:07 PM PST


Jan 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/30/99
> As for the site
> , it is
>and one of the most important documents easily available, readable and
>comprehensible for people new to autism and aspergers and PDD-NOS. Get a
>life BOZO and keep your slimely lips off me.

This is incorrect. :( I just now looked at the site, and I was willing to
defend you if you were right. Here is my problem with it.

Aside from not having any links (which I don't feel one way or the other about,
really), my problem is a lack of credentials. There is no name associated with
the information, there is no link to E-Mail the person who wrote it. So far as
I am concerned, it is just words. If the person who wrote them won't even
identify himself on the page, I can't say that the information is very valid.


Thomas A. McKean

Jan 31, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/31/99
You like to brag that you ARE somebody because you have a title that you
flaunt. I am somebody because I am RIGHT. By the way, both the Pope and
President Clinton told me to tell you to stand on your head. Better do it,
they have credentials! And also "2 + 2 = 4" . Opps, sorry, NO, it ISN'T
because an authority didn't sign his name to the statement!!!! Thanks anyway
for re-mentioning my fine site at: It's the one NOT
linked to that stack-of-crap OASIS.

In article <>,

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