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Show! .Gong Show!.

Aug 19, 2005, 11:18:11 PM8/19/05
A true patriot does not confuse government with country.
A patriot's loyalty is to his country, and loyalty to country
requires holding government accountable.
.....Paul Craig Roberts.....

Jim Glaser is a Marine Corps Vietnam War veteran who learned the lesson of
Vietnam and now speaks out against the Iraq war. As a Vietnam vet he can
speak with authority on the parallels between the quagmire in the jungle and
the quagmire in the sand. In his commentary today at, We
Were Winning and Doing Nothing But Good in Vietnam Too, he explains the
important parallels between Vietnam and Iraq.


Aug 20, 2005, 12:49:40 AM8/20/05

I read this article and he completely fails to compare the situation in
Iraq with that in Nam. In fact this guy is a fuckin idiot. There's no
comparing Nam with Iraq. In Iraq we're fighting an insurgency. In Nam
after the 68 Tet we were fighting regular NVA troops. Vietnam had been
fighting western imperialists for a hundred years. Does anyone with a
brain think those complex tunnel systems were dug in a couple years. The
NVA fought for a political cause, the Jihadists are using religion as an
excuse. The NVA targeted American troops, the Jihadists are regularly
murdering Iraqi citizens. The NVA has the Soviet Union backing them. In
Iraq they have no such support. The only similarity to Nam and Iraq are
that Americans are being killed.

Show! .Gong Show!.

Aug 20, 2005, 2:24:41 AM8/20/05

"swayser" <> wrote in message

I'm not convinced. The parallels are there if you see them, not if you
After Tet '68 Americans were fighting the NLF and NVA along with mercenaries
from many SE Asian Nations and China as well as advisors from N. Korea and
the USSR.
The Jihadists see America as an imperial heathen denigrating their soil.
Americans don't belong in the middle east.
The insurgeants have backing. Better wake up.
Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Bush's old pals the Saudis are more deeply
involved than you apparently want to see.

Northern Storm

Aug 20, 2005, 3:53:21 AM8/20/05
On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 00:49:40 -0400, swayser <>

At least one other similarity:

Americans were lied to by their president in both cases. Johnson lied
about what was going on and why we were staying, while bush lied about
why we went in the first place.

Another similarity is how numerous administrations dance around the
word "war", since a declaration of war would be necessary from
congress. Any declaration of war would require much public debate
which, of course, administrations avoid at all costs.

Show! .Gong Show!.

Aug 20, 2005, 10:56:46 AM8/20/05

"Northern Storm" <> wrote in message

Added note;
Johnson was a Texas maniac, Bush a Texas Liar in Denial.

Northern Storm

Aug 21, 2005, 1:25:19 AM8/21/05
On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 14:56:46 GMT, .Gong Show!. <Gong Show!>

Very true.


Aug 23, 2005, 2:47:02 AM8/23/05

I think you're being naive. The Persian Gulf's oil is providing c. 80%
of Western Europe's oil, Japan about 100%, China 57% and America 20%.
Oil is the life blood of industry. That oil is vital to the functioning
of the industrialized nations economy. Without it the peace of the world
is directly threatened.

Think about the possible consequences of any nation attaining hegemony
over Persian Gulf oil. It could select which countries got how much oil
and what they'd pay for it. It's a dagger at the throat of the
industrial world.

For instance, what would happen it a Persian Gulf country controlling
that oil turned it off for Western Europe. England would cut off any oil
from the North Sea fields and keep their production for itself. France
could function for a while because ti has some oil contacts left from
it's colonies in Africa, but Germany has no such recourse. Does anyone
think Germany would sit by and watch their old enemy, France, go on
functioning economically while their economy plunged into uselessness? I
doubt it. The controlling power could cut off oil to China or Japan.
Would those countries remain peaceful while their is still oil reserves
in Indonesia? I doubt that also. And don't you know about the oil
embargo against this country in 1976-77? That embargo destroyed the
independent oil providers. Many small gas stations went out of business
because the large oil providers refused to supply them. You want to wait
in line for hours for the privilege of buying 5 gallons of gas ant
$15-20 a gallon. That's what would happen.

So, don't tell me to wake up. You're in a coma if you haven't thought of
the dire consequences if any nation were to gain control over the flow
of Persian Gulf oil.



Aug 23, 2005, 3:03:26 AM8/23/05
President Bush received authorization by Congress to intervene in Iraq
as Johnson did by the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. That resolution was
"cooked". Everyone thought Hussein had chemical weapons. Clinton thought
so and launched a three day bombing attack against Iraq. It was called
Desert Fox, and like all Clinton's foreign affairs efforts, was a
complete failure.

I have challenged you people who claim Bush lied to prove your
assertions but I've never gotten a response. Now I challenge you too,
Prove Bush intentionally lied. If you don't or can't, stop saying he
did, because if you don't then you're the liars, and you know it.

Northern Storm

Aug 23, 2005, 9:25:32 AM8/23/05
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 03:03:26 -0400, swayser <>

No, goosestepper, I won't stop saying he lied because all the world
knows he did.

You're like the OJ Simpson defender who says that since I can't PROVE
OJ committed murder that means he's innocent. Typical twisted
goosestepper circular logic.

Keep your head up your ass with the other 36% of Americans that are so
incredibly slow on the up take of what a lying piece of shit little
bush is.

Message has been deleted

andrew luke nichols

Aug 24, 2005, 7:25:13 AM8/24/05
"What is at stake is more than one small country [Iraq], it is a big idea -
a New World Order."

- George HW Bush, January 29, 1991, State of the Union address

"I hope history will record that the Gulf crisis was the crucible of the New
World Order."

- National Security Strategy issued by the White house and personally signed
by George Bush, Sr.

"swayser" <> wrote in message



Aug 25, 2005, 11:57:40 PM8/25/05
to wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 02:47:02 -0400, swayser <>
> wrote:
>>Think about the possible consequences of any nation attaining hegemony
>>over Persian Gulf oil. It could select which countries got how much oil
>>and what they'd pay for it. It's a dagger at the throat of the
>>industrial world.
> Kinda like the U.S. and Nuclear weapons, eh?
Yeah, except we don't use them, whereas OPEC has used their oil weapon.


Aug 25, 2005, 11:58:52 PM8/25/05
Prove it stupid.


Aug 26, 2005, 12:00:44 AM8/26/05
andrew luke nichols wrote:
> "What is at stake is more than one small country [Iraq], it is a big idea -
> a New World Order."
> - George HW Bush, January 29, 1991, State of the Union address
> "I hope history will record that the Gulf crisis was the crucible of the New
> World Order."
> - National Security Strategy issued by the White house and personally signed
> by George Bush, Sr.
> "swayser" <> wrote in message
> news:jCzOe.906$9X...@fe09.lga...
So what Andrew. Does the fact that America is the only super power
somehow freak you out somehow?
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