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Quining for the fjords

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Sep 29, 2001, 1:51:54 PM9/29/01
..or for any other reason, really, doesn't matter in the slightest.

Recently reading my birthday copy of _Gödel,_Escher,_ Bach_, I came
across the concept of quining; that is, taking a sentence fragment
with no subject and repeating it so that it becomes its own subject.

For example, take the fragment "is written on old jars of mustard to
keep them fresh". Quining it, we acquire `"Is written on old jars of
mustard to keep them fresh" is written on old jars of mustard to keep
them fresh.'

I have no idea if the above statement is true. Perhaps if we
alternately choose the phrase "is written on homebrew to improve the
taste" we could get Lane and Ol' Fitzo to try it out.

Anyway, playing around with my Mac's text-to-speech engine (which
incidentally doesn't know the word `quine', and tries to pronounce it
`quinn'. Spelling the word as `kwyne' gets proper results) and I began
making up some nice potential quines. I offer them here, a known haunt
of folks who like playing with language, in hopes that others will be
amused, or at least we'll have a new kind of cascade or something.


"does not appear in Bartlett's Quotations"

"contains just five English words"

"much like Yoda, it speaks"

"cannot be legally typed into Frontpage, as Microsoft sucks"

"is surprisingly and gratuitiously verbose, for the amazingly minscule
content it conveys"

"isn't wordy"

"Flies like fresh fruit"

I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...

..."likes quining if anthropomorphised"

,------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - - -
| Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
|--------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- -- - - - -
| ... that every day's a rerun and the laughter's always canned.

Robot Karate Man

Sep 29, 2001, 6:51:44 PM9/29/01
I'm required by law to mention that the following came from Screwtape:

> "Flies like fresh fruit"

> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...

I'm smelling a Weekly Challenge here.

"I like my women the way I like my coffee, quiet."
Brand new Christopher Ford, only it's not Ford ... er ... you'll see!
Prime Minister of Alt.What-The

Daniel E. Macks

Sep 29, 2001, 7:31:53 PM9/29/01
Screwtape <> said:
>Recently reading my birthday copy of _Gödel,_Escher,_ Bach_, I came
>across the concept of quining; that is, taking a sentence fragment
>with no subject and repeating it so that it becomes its own subject.

Yeah yeah...we're all experts at that one. In fact, you might even say
I know all there is to know about the quining game...

I'll get me 'at.

dan, whose bright red Siamese fighting fishies hate blind dates

Daniel Macks

Jim Evans

Sep 29, 2001, 7:41:35 PM9/29/01
Comrade Screwtape wrote:
> "Flies like fresh fruit"

[processing...] [laughs]

We need some RHOD-specific ones.

"is what she said"

"asked 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'"

"if spelled correctly, summons Jellyroll Papadoupolous"

"is not entirely unlike tea"

"forms, milligram for milligram, the fiercest quine on the planet"

"cannot be squicked, as it is a sentence fragment and lacks a head"


And, of course, the existence of various sigmonsters guarantees entire quined-posts.

Pathological ones:

(would this be a reverse quine?)



[1] X

(where X would be chose to induce the maxim head-boggling.

And of course, the infinitely self-pseudo-quining poker cascade:

I'll see your "I'll see your 'I'll see your ... '" and raise you a "and
raise you a 'and raise you a ...'.".


The JIM Experience -
Read "The Files of Hydrogen Guy". I beg of you.


Sep 30, 2001, 3:43:15 AM9/30/01
Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:

> ..or for any other reason, really, doesn't matter in the slightest.


> Anyway:
> "does not appear in Bartlett's Quotations"
> "contains just five English words"
> "much like Yoda, it speaks"
> "cannot be legally typed into Frontpage, as Microsoft sucks"
> "is surprisingly and gratuitiously verbose, for the amazingly minscule
> content it conveys"
> "isn't wordy"
> "Flies like fresh fruit"
> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...

That quine is not in the form of a quine.

> Screwtape,
> ..."likes quining if anthropomorphised"


You are funny screwtape - now I am going to have to fire up

TimC --

"I give up," said Pierre de Fermat's friend. "How DO you keep a
mathematician busy for 350 years?"


Sep 30, 2001, 3:51:22 AM9/30/01
Jim Evans (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:

> Comrade Screwtape wrote:
> [snip]
>> "Flies like fresh fruit"
> [processing...] [laughs]
> We need some RHOD-specific ones.
> "is what she said"
> "asked 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'"
> "if spelled correctly, summons Jellyroll Papadoupolous"
> "is not entirely unlike tea"

Eee he he.

> "forms, milligram for milligram, the fiercest quine on the planet"

AW haw haw

> "cannot be squicked, as it is a sentence fragment and lacks a head"


> "Tom"

<Falls off chair>

> And, of course, the existence of various sigmonsters guarantees entire quined-posts.
> Pathological ones:
> NoI'msorrythereisn'ttimetosay"NoI'msorrythereisn'ttimetosay".
> (would this be a reverse quine?)
> "[1]"[1]
> ...
> [1] X
> (where X would be chose to induce the maxim head-boggling.

X == [1]

> And of course, the infinitely self-pseudo-quining poker cascade:
> I'll see your "I'll see your 'I'll see your ... '" and raise you a "and
> raise you a 'and raise you a ...'.".
> JIM, "JIM"

TimC --

Recursive: Adj. See Recursive.


Sep 30, 2001, 6:06:47 AM9/30/01
While idly wondering if the Pakmara can really do that, Jim Evans said:

<snipage happens>

I like this one:

"guarantees entire quined-posts"

Jeffrey Kaplan <*> I'm set up for PGP. Are you?
The World does not necessarily agree with my opinions.

"The Earthers have problems of their own. The Alliance was never my
husbands plan for our people. He came to try to prevent the insanity
he knew was coming. Instead, his death became the door through which
all this pain has entered." (Lady Morella, B5 "Point Of No Return")


Sep 30, 2001, 6:35:09 AM9/30/01
TimC schrieb:

>Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> ..or for any other reason, really, doesn't matter in the slightest.
>> Anyway:
>> "does not appear in Bartlett's Quotations"
>> "contains just five English words"
>> "much like Yoda, it speaks"
>> "cannot be legally typed into Frontpage, as Microsoft sucks"
>> "is surprisingly and gratuitiously verbose, for the amazingly minscule
>> content it conveys"
>> "isn't wordy"
>> "Flies like fresh fruit"
>> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...
>That quine is not in the form of a quine.

Which one?

>> Screwtape,
>> ..."likes quining if anthropomorphised"

Heheh.. learning Vim? :)

>You are funny screwtape - now I am going to have to fire up

Does it hook into festival?

>TimC --
>"I give up," said Pierre de Fermat's friend. "How DO you keep a
>mathematician busy for 350 years?"

I've always liked that .sig. :)

,------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - - -
| Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
|--------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- -- - - - -

| Fried eye car nelpew.


Sep 30, 2001, 7:27:53 AM9/30/01
Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC schrieb:
>>Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>>> ..or for any other reason, really, doesn't matter in the slightest.
>>> Anyway:
>>> "does not appear in Bartlett's Quotations"
>>> "contains just five English words"
>>> "much like Yoda, it speaks"
>>> "cannot be legally typed into Frontpage, as Microsoft sucks"
>>> "is surprisingly and gratuitiously verbose, for the amazingly minscule
>>> content it conveys"
>>> "isn't wordy"
>>> "Flies like fresh fruit"
>>> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...
>>That quine is not in the form of a quine. <--\
> |
> Which one? |
That one ----------------------------------/

>>> Screwtape,
>>> ..."likes quining if anthropomorphised"
> Heheh.. learning Vim? :)

Not learning, so much as occasionally getting confuzzled as to which
editor I am using. I usually post (in pine), by going C-x C-s, which
only managed to lock up my screen til I go C-q. Similarly when
editiing in pico. I have been known to go :wq in pico. I have been
known to go C-x in vi. I *always* go C-a in vi to get to the start of
a line.

>>You are funny screwtape - now I am going to have to fire up
> Does it hook into festival?

Yep. I like how when you give it a long sentence, the voice just keeps
on getting lower and lower and lower and lower, until you are left
with the just occasional crackle. Much like a dying tape player :)

>>TimC --
>>"I give up," said Pierre de Fermat's friend. "How DO you keep a
>>mathematician busy for 350 years?"
> I've always liked that .sig. :)
> --
> ,------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - - -
> | Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
> |--------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- -- - - - -
> |
> | Fried eye car nelpew.
> |

I like that one too, although it is the firts time I have seen it


But it does move!
-- Galileo Galilei


Sep 30, 2001, 7:34:28 AM9/30/01
TimC (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:

> Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> TimC schrieb:
>>>Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>>>> ..or for any other reason, really, doesn't matter in the slightest.
>>>> Anyway:
>>>> "does not appear in Bartlett's Quotations"
>>>> "contains just five English words"
>>>> "much like Yoda, it speaks"
>>>> "cannot be legally typed into Frontpage, as Microsoft sucks"
>>>> "is surprisingly and gratuitiously verbose, for the amazingly minscule
>>>> content it conveys"
>>>> "isn't wordy"
>>>> "Flies like fresh fruit"
>>>> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones... <--\
>>> |
>>>That quine is not in the form of a quine. <-X\ |
>> | |
>> Which one? X |
> | |
> That one --X------X-----X------X-----X----/ |
D'oh. That one ----------------------------------------------/

Animals who are not penguins can only wish they were.


Sep 30, 2001, 3:42:49 PM9/30/01
TimC schrieb:
>Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> TimC schrieb:
>>>Screwtape (aka Bruce) was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>>>> I'm sure some bright spark can think of better ones...
>>>That quine is not in the form of a quine. <--\
>> |
>> Which one? |
> |
>That one ----------------------------------/

(I've seen your correction)


>>>> Screwtape,
>>>> ..."likes quining if anthropomorphised"
>> Heheh.. learning Vim? :)
>Not learning, so much as occasionally getting confuzzled as to which
>editor I am using.

Ahh. :)

>I usually post (in pine), by going C-x C-s, which
>only managed to lock up my screen til I go C-q.

Hmm.. how does emacs get around that?

>Similarly when editiing in pico. I have been known to go :wq in pico.

I did that *all* the time.

Eventually I said "Stuff this" and used vim for everything.

>I have been known to go C-x in vi. I *always* go C-a in vi to get to
>the start of a line.

:nmap <C-A> ^

makes C-a do what you expect in normal mode.

:imap <C-A> <C-O>^

should make C-a do what you expect in Insert mode.

Typing "<C-A>" should work, but if it doesn't, on the commandline (and
when editing your .vimrc) you should try C-v C-a and C-v C-o where vim
interprets C-v as "accept the next character verbatim".

The above has been translated more or less consistently into emacs
notation, to avoid confusion. It's not my native tounge, so read
":help :map" for more info.

>>>You are funny screwtape - now I am going to have to fire up
>> Does it hook into festival?
>Yep. I like how when you give it a long sentence, the voice just keeps
>on getting lower and lower and lower and lower, until you are left
>with the just occasional crackle. Much like a dying tape player :)

Heheh. I like the Macintalk voices for the most part, but even the
best voice (Victoria (high quality)) has problems.

It's also fun trying to break text-to-speech programs. Victoria knows
"tapioca" and "pudding" and can say "tapioca pudding", but when
confronted with "tapiocapudding" says "TAPio caPUDding" which sounds
funny. :) "Iggy Snigglefritz" comes out as "IGgy SNIGleyfritz". A word
needs one vowel in order to be pronounced, "QANTAS" is
"cue-ay-en-tee-ay-ess", but "qantas" is "RANtas".

>> --
>> ,------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - - -
>> | Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
>> |--------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- -- - - - -
>> |
>> | Fried eye car nelpew.
>> |
>I like that one too, although it is the firts time I have seen it

If you're willing to use uppercase, then

:command Pissoff wq

will do what you want.

,------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - - -
| Screwtape | Reply-To: is munged on Usenet |
|--------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- -- - - - -

| I've found that very little humour can be squeezed into 64 chara

Daniel E. Macks

Sep 30, 2001, 4:04:58 PM9/30/01
Jim Evans <> said:
>Pathological ones:

>[1] X
>(where X would be chose to induce the maxim head-boggling.

"Does not work as a quine"

"Has been removed"

"Appears once in this sentence"

"Steve-o said"

>And of course, the infinitely self-pseudo-quining poker cascade:
>I'll see your "I'll see your 'I'll see your ... '" and raise you a "and
>raise you a 'and raise you a ...'.".

"ties in nicely with the 'Checking the vote file' thread"

dan, whose bright red Siamese fighting fishies wonder if doing this on
the Internet makes it an e-quine

Tom Tom Harrington

Oct 1, 2001, 4:37:59 PM10/1/01
From a remote bunker, Jim Evans ( issued the following manifesto:

> Comrade Screwtape wrote:
> [snip]
>> "Flies like fresh fruit"

> [processing...] [laughs]

> We need some RHOD-specific ones.

> "is what she said"

> "asked 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'"

> "if spelled correctly, summons Jellyroll Papadoupolous"

> "is not entirely unlike tea"

> "forms, milligram for milligram, the fiercest quine on the planet"

> "cannot be squicked, as it is a sentence fragment and lacks a head"

Don't forget:

"I hardly even know 'er"

> "Tom"

"In my next post, I will say"

Tom "Tom" Harrington ------------ Decode to email: tph (at) pcisys (dot) net
"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to
anybody." - Mark Twain

Tom Tom Harrington

Oct 1, 2001, 4:39:31 PM10/1/01
From a remote bunker, Daniel E. Macks ( issued the following manifesto:

> "Does not work as a quine"

> "Has been removed"

> "Appears once in this sentence"

These quines have caused me to sprane my brane.

No, wait...

"has caused me to sprane my brane"

Tom "Tom" Harrington ------------ Decode to email: tph (at) pcisys (dot) net

"And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get there?" -- Talking Heads

Jellyroll Papadopoulos

Oct 2, 2001, 6:12:04 AM10/2/01
Also Sprach Jim Evans:

Massage: <>
Froom: Jim Evans <>
On: Sat, 2951 Sep 1993 15:41:35 -0400

> "if spelled correctly, summons Jellyroll Papadoupolous"

"JP responded quiningly"

Jellyroll Papadopoulos

It makes John Dougherty happy, so it must be good.

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