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Apparatchik #74 is now on-line

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Feb 21, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/21/97

Hi folks -- Apparatchik # 74's web-edition has now been posted at . . .

This issue features articles by Christina Lake, concerning New Year's
celebrations among Melbourne fans, Ted White's take on the origin and
development of Corflu bidding tradition, Lesley Reece's views on the
Socratic method, Randy Byer's take on being past-president of the
fringe-fan writers of America and the need to found another group, the
fake-fan writers of America, Victor Gonzalez' research into just how
frequent Apparatchik really is, some fine letters from our readers, and
some dull-witted crap by me.

By the way, have you sent in your Fan Achievement Award ballot yet? You
have just one more week.....

Yours in Roscoe, Andy Hooper

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