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The Mentifex Manifesto

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Arthur T. Murray

Nov 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/25/96

1. The genie has escaped from the bottle: Web search "Mentifex".
2. Obsessive curiosity races past the crawl of bourgeois science.
3. -B V AI: At worst, wasted bandwidth; at best, the dawn of AI.
4. All nations have a right to share in the AI prosperity engine.
5. All individual profit motives must yield to the public domain.
5. Religions must confront the unconfrontable implications of AI.
7. Your experience of the phenomenon of mentifex is the phenomenon.
8. Each step taken on the path to the future redefines the pathway.
9. The unknowable event approaches: Singularity -- Omega Point.
X. Human politics faces the existential danger of transhuman AI.

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

/^^^^^^^^^^^\ The Transhuman Evolution of Mind /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ ________ semantic / auditory \
| /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory |episodic memory|
| | recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\ |
| ___|___ | | |flush-vector | ______ | |
| /image \ | ___V______V_ word-fetch | / \ | |
| / percept \<--|-->/ library of \--------------|->/ stored \| |
| \ engrams / | \ concepts / for thinking | \ words / |
| \_______/ | \__________/ in language | \______/ | run periodic Mentifex Web search. diaspora memetica.
Meme amok: Delete this line. Insert your URL. Propagate virus.

Joseph S. Wisniewski

Nov 25, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/25/96

The Arthur T. Murray FAQ

Q) who is "Arthur T. Murray?"

A) We're not sure of his real identity.

Q) What does he do.

A) He posts a large quantity of articles to a large number of
newsgroups. His posts always contain references to his "mentifex"
therory of how a "virus" can spread between human minds. They will
also contain many Latin, Greek, or German phrases, and the use of
much scholarly language. He demonstrates excellent command of the
English language and a skill with a thesaurus that is virtually
without equal.

His posts always contain an element of what the internet community
calls "flame bait" or "trolling" in an attempt to gather even more
attention. These are very well researched, hitting on the most active
internet hot-points:

conspiracy theories: public libraries are attempting to reprogram
people's minds using "mentifex" mind virii, and how machines will
replace humans

ethnic issues: Poland is the most advanced country in the world
because Chopin is the greatest composer of all time, etc.

Apple Computers (vs. microsoft UNIX, etc): how Jobs & Woz "invented
the future"

Tesla (bringing to mind images of supressed technology), airline
problems, ebola, AIDS, nanotechnology, the Unabomber, etc.

Q) where does he post from?

A) He posts from a lot of different places, showing considerable
knowledge of how to abuse the Free-Nets in his area. His web pages
are on entirely different systems ( and,
probably to protect them in the event his freenet accounts get
closed for spamming.

In the last six months he has made more than 400 off topic posts:
208 from the Seattle Community Network (
121 posts from the Victoria Freenet (uj...@freenet.Victoria.BC.CA)
82 posts from the Los Angeles Free-Net (

Q) What groups does he post to?

A) pretty much anywhere, no matter how far off topic he is:
rec.aviation.misc,, alt.cyberpunk, comp.speech,
alt.dreams.lucid, alt.postmodern,,
as well as more conventional neuro-net and AI groups.

Joseph S. Wisniewski | Views expressed are my own, and don't reflect
Ford Motor Company | those of the Ford Motor Co. or affiliates.
Project Sapphire | Trans Am, Daytona, Bonneville, and IROC are | just races, won by people driving Ford cars!

Arthur T. Murray

Nov 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/29/96

In a previous article, uj...@freenet.Victoria.BC.CA (Arthur T. Murray) says:

> The genie has escaped from the bottle: Web search "Mentifex".

Watch the AI genie trace the path of Tesla, Chopin, Jobs and Woz.

> Obsessive curiosity races past the crawl of bourgeois science.

Hurtle through time, space and chaos towards the Great Attractor.

> -B V AI: At worst, wasted bandwidth; at best, the dawn of AI.

"Dos moi pou sto kai kino ten gen," said the ancient Archimedes.
Bandwidth: "Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth."

> All nations have a right to share in the AI prosperity engine.

Poland will be generous and lift all boats on her rising AI tide.

> All individual profit motives must yield to the public domain.

Let no man or cyborg exploit the good of all men and few cyborgs.

> Religions must confront the unconfrontable implications of AI.

If machines think thoughts and speak are they persons with souls?

> Your experience of the phenomenon of mentifex is the phenomenon.

You now carry the germ of an idea and with it the fate of humanity.

> Each step taken on the path to the future redefines the pathway.

What you do with your precious knowledge will determine the future.

> The unknowable event approaches: Singularity -- Omega Point.

Ignore not the warning of Vinge, but regard Teilhard de Chardin.

> Human politics faces the existential danger of transhuman AI.

Homo sapiens acts collectively in government, not in the AI lab.

/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Standard Theory of the Brain-Mind /^^^^^^^^^^^\

/visual memory\ ________ semantic / auditory \
| /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory |episodic memory|
| | recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\ |
| ___|___ | | |flush-vector | ______ | |

| /image \ | ___V____V___ word-fetch | / \ | |
| / percept \<--|-->/ conceptual \--------------|->/ stored \| |
| \ engrams / | \ mini-grids / for thinking | \ words / |

| \_______/ | \__________/ in language | \______/ | run periodic Mentifex Web search. the genie was here.

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