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GSN WML? Question

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Adam Seigel

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what
version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.

Adam Seigel
Includes Game Show Sounds of the Month,
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Dave Mackey

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
Adam Seigel wrote in message <01be2b27$a9e61660$86364f0c@default>...

>The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
>wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
>when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
>ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what
>version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
>remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
>Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
>GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
>clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.

The WML episodes that GSN has run in the afternoons have always been from
the syndication run. The John Daly episodes have only run in early morning
and prime time.

Dave Mackey
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Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
>Does anyone know what
>version they showed at that time then? It was >a color episode but I
>remember a mostly yellow set, not like the >blue used on the Bruner and
>Blyden shows.

It was probably a 1974 Blyden ep....thats the year the set became all yellow
and they changed the theme to a funky number and the panelists stopped
introducing themselves...Cat

Stephan Mynarkiewicz

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98

Adam Seigel wrote in message <01be2b27$a9e61660$86364f0c@default>...
>The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
>wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
>when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
>ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what

>version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
>remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
>Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
>GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
>clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.

Sounds like they're the mid-late 1974 Blyden eps with the red/yellow set
(looks sort of like the "Hot Dog Stand theme Windows 3.1 had). Why they
(G/T) went with that motif is beyond me...

Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
In article <01be2b27$a9e61660$86364f0c@default>,

"Adam Seigel" <> wrote:
> The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
> wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
> when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
> ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what
> version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
> remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
> Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
> GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
> clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.

I think the B/W Kinescopes are all that exist of the CBS version with Daly.
Of the primetime CBS WML, To Tell The Truth, and I've Got a Secret the only
color show of those that still exists is a 1967 TTTT that Game Show Network
has. I wouldn't be surprised however if someone someday found a color tape
of one of the others. The show you MAY have seen could have been from the
last season done in 1974-75 with Blyden. They did an extensive remodeling of
the set for that last year.

Albin O. Kampfer

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Dec 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/19/98
> "Adam Seigel" <> wrote:
>> The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
>> wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
>> when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
>> ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what
>> version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
>> remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
>> Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
>> GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
>> clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.
>I think the B/W Kinescopes are all that exist of the CBS version with Daly.
>Of the primetime CBS WML, To Tell The Truth, and I've Got a Secret the only
>color show of those that still exists is a 1967 TTTT that Game Show Network
>has. I wouldn't be surprised however if someone someday found a color tape
>of one of the others. The show you MAY have seen could have been from the
>last season done in 1974-75 with Blyden. They did an extensive remodeling of
>the set for that last year.
>Albin O. Kampfer

I wonder if any CBS affiliates in the western part of the US that aired "WML"
by tape delay might have shelved the last show or others for historical
purposes? If only...


Dec 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/20/98
>I wonder if any CBS affiliates in the western part of the US that aired "WML"
>by tape delay might have shelved the last show or others for historical
>purposes? If only...

GSN has all of the WMLs don't they? The fact is....the networks didn't keep
their NEWS in color until the mid the color WMLs probably weren't
kept though it was filmed in color by the early 60s...Cat


Dec 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/20/98
>so the color WMLs probably weren't
>kept though it was filmed in color by the early 60s...Cat

"What's My Line?" did not switch to color until it's last season in the Fall of
1966. In a July broadcast, Daly still refers to the show being done in B/W and
TV Guide ads of the day highlight the color switch that fall.

Gil Fates once told me that the reason why G-T only had kinescopes saved of
their primetime shows was because CBS only charged them about $10 for a
kinescope reel which from their standpoint must have made more economic sense
than having expensive tape reels saved of the broadcasts. Bob Stewart clearly
had some kind of different arrangement concerning nighttime Password since it
is the only primetime show that was saved in its original videotape format, as
opposed to kinescope.

Eric Paddon

James Fabiano

Sep 14, 2018, 10:15:19 AM9/14/18
On Saturday, December 19, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, Stephan Mynarkiewicz wrote:
> Adam Seigel wrote in message <01be2b27$a9e61660$86364f0c@default>...
> >The first time I ever saw GSN was in a store in July 1997. At the time I
> >wasn't very familiar with many of the shows on it as I am now. Anyway,
> >when I first turned it on, it was sometime in the early afternoon, and an
> >ep. of WML? was on. Now here's the question. Does anyone know what
> >version they showed at that time then? It was a color episode but I
> >remember a mostly yellow set, not like the blue used on the Bruner and
> >Blyden shows. Coold this have been a color Daly episode? I didn't think
> >GSN had the episode of it color, just the B&W kinescopes. So can anyone
> >clear this up for me? Thanks in advance.
> >
> Sounds like they're the mid-late 1974 Blyden eps with the red/yellow set
> (looks sort of like the "Hot Dog Stand theme Windows 3.1 had). Why they
> (G/T) went with that motif is beyond me...

Did Larry Blyden throw hot dogs at the panel? That would be a funi.

Fart James

Sep 16, 2018, 6:44:27 PM9/16/18
Yes, he did!

Also, GSN did air Daly WML? episodes in color! I remember seeing it!
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