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Looking for a Billiard

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Aug 6, 2010, 7:25:58 PM8/6/10
Hi all,
so, here is the situation. I smoke Churchwardens almost exclusively.
I have a few and they are awesome. I have a couple of standard length
pipes as well, but they aren't so good. Not because they are short,
but because I got a couple of cheap pipes that just don't perform to
my standard. But I also don't really love the short pipe feel.

However, I do occasionally have a use for a standard length clencher
and I am putting together a weekend where a good billiard is a great
addition. Basically, I am doing a 50's "Mad Men" weekend with this
girl I know. Sort of an extended date for people as geeky as us with
authentic clothing and movies and dinners in places that exist in much
the same state they did in the 50's. So I need a pipe. I don't smoke
cigarettes and I don't drink.

So I'm thinking a billiard, since it is so iconic, but I did see this
and I really like it as well.

So, what I am asking you all to help with, if you don't mind, is some
links and opinions on pipes under $100, preferably much under that
price point, that are billiards or similarly iconic to the 50's. Oh
and one more thing. I have been looking through CupOJoes and kind of
want something dark with a silver band between the bit and the bowl.
That's not a must, but 1000 internets go to the first person to find

Thanks so much for the help. I've been looking, but there are a lot
to choose from.

Happy puffing,


Aug 6, 2010, 7:36:23 PM8/6/10
Hey Bilbo. Here's my pick:

(Parker Jockey Club billiard.) They're basically just like Dunhills.


Paul Z

Aug 6, 2010, 8:42:36 PM8/6/10
On Aug 6, 2:25 pm, Bilbo <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> so, here is the situation.  I smoke Churchwardens almost exclusively.
> I have a few and they are awesome.  I have a couple of standard length
> pipes as well, but they aren't so good.  Not because they are short,
> but because I got a couple of cheap pipes that just don't perform to
> my standard.  But I also don't really love the short pipe feel.
> However, I do occasionally have a use for a standard length clencher
> and I am putting together a weekend where a good billiard is a great
> addition.  Basically, I am doing a 50's "Mad Men" weekend with this
> girl I know.  Sort of an extended date for people as geeky as us with
> authentic clothing and movies and dinners in places that exist in much
> the same state they did in the 50's.  So I need a pipe.  I don't smoke
> cigarettes and I don't drink.
> So I'm thinking a billiard, since it is so iconic, but I did see this
> and I really like it as well.

> So, what I am asking you all to help with, if you don't mind, is some
> links and opinions on pipes under $100, preferably much under that
> price point, that  are billiards or similarly iconic to the 50's.  Oh
> and one more thing.  I have been looking through CupOJoes and kind of
> want something dark with a silver band between the bit and the bowl.
> That's not a must, but 1000 internets go to the first person to find
> one.
> Thanks so much for the help.  I've been looking, but there are a lot
> to choose from.
> Happy puffing,
> Bilbo

The bulldog you chose looks great, savinelli is a respected marquee &
everyone I have smokes like a charm (that's an old time saying for

The Parker Ian showed also is a good choice. There are many great
smokers in the "Estate" pipe market, do a little looking there.
I've picked up some great eatate pipes that at best had a few bowls
burned in them & they were 1/2 price.

I'd also suggest looking at Peterson Pipes, great value, great
smokers, IMHO.

Paul Z

Allen Lloyd

Aug 6, 2010, 9:24:32 PM8/6/10

Basically, I am doing a 50's "Mad Men" weekend with this
girl I know. Sort of an extended date for people as geeky as us with
authentic clothing and movies and dinners in places that exist in much
the same state they did in the 50's. So I need a pipe.

Bilbo, lets get down to nuts and bolts here. Not to be crass or
anything, but you want to score with your girl and impress her with
your pipe. The pipe shape doesn't mean anything, smoke an aromatic in
whatever you have for a pipe, something that will make her think of
grand pa's pipe. It'll work.
AL ...


Aug 6, 2010, 9:44:45 PM8/6/10

Um, that's actually not it. Not to get into to much detail, but the
"scoring" is happening no matter what. I don't need to impress
someone that I've known for years. I have a thing about "costumes".
Mostly that I don't make costumes so much as actual functioning pieces
of clothing. This is just an excuse for us to do 50's stuff. She is
the same way. She wanted an excuse to buy some nice dresses from a
vintage/retro store and I wanted to find a new place to eat in L.A.
that was very classic and has a history. She loves the show Mad Men,
and so we decided to do a 50's weekend. I have been telling myself I
need a decent standard length pipe for while and I decided this was as
good an excuse as any to 'loosen the purse strings' and get one. I'm
not happy with the ones I have, and my Kurt Huhn custom churchwardens
with a good burley/virginia blend is always so inviting I find it hard
to enjoy the shorter pipes. I want to remedy that as much as I want
to "impress her".

So please, next time you make a crass statement about me, my friend,
or my pipes, please ask for a little clarification first.

Happy Puffing,

P.S. My tobacco cellar is offended by the idea that I would even put a
mild aromatic in it for actual consumption. I know some people like
them, I used to when I first started, but every cubic inch of space in
there is valuable.


Aug 6, 2010, 9:45:54 PM8/6/10

That pipe is so cool. I really like it. I'm not much of a clencher
and I think the short size will make it very comfortable. It is
definitely in the running.



Aug 6, 2010, 9:55:02 PM8/6/10

Thanks for the advice. I have looked at estate pipes, and I'm sure
they are great. But you see, I have this sort of OCD thing. I know
with the normal part of my brain that they are fine and all, but with
a small part of my brain I just can't do it. Kind of like how I can't
start eating the burger until all the fries are gone or how I can't
leave a cabinet door open. It makes me.....uncomfortable. I don't
know why but I can't enjoy a bite of food if someone else has bitten
into it already. I sort of see estate pipes the same way. I see them
online and I just can't bring myself to get one.

And thanks for the opinion on the Sav's. Never had one myself and an
experienced voice is always welcome in my view.

Happy puffing,

Ken Dixon

Aug 6, 2010, 10:11:46 PM8/6/10
> <SNIP>
> Basically, I am doing a 50's "Mad Men" weekend with this
> girl I know. Sort of an extended date for people as geeky as us with
> authentic clothing and movies and dinners in places that exist in much
> the same state they did in the 50's. So I need a pipe.
> <SNIP>


Aug 6, 2010, 10:15:00 PM8/6/10
On Aug 6, 12:36 pm, Ian <> wrote:

Okay, brainfart. I was thinking it was a snub length pipe. I actually
like it much more now that I see how long it is in comparison. I
think that is the front runner.

Quick question. What is the difference between the Dunhill's and the
Parker's if the Parker is made by Dunhill?

Thanks again,


Aug 6, 2010, 10:16:58 PM8/6/10

Also, a very nice pipe. This is going to be a tough decision, but one
that I will love to have to make. Maybe while smoking my favorite
blend in my favorite CW.

Thanks again


Aug 6, 2010, 10:29:03 PM8/6/10
On 8/6/2010 5:55 PM, Bilbo wrote:
> Paul,
> Thanks for the advice. I have looked at estate pipes, and I'm sure
> they are great. But you see, I have this sort of OCD thing. I know
> with the normal part of my brain that they are fine and all, but with
> a small part of my brain I just can't do it. Kind of like how I can't
> start eating the burger until all the fries are gone or how I can't
> leave a cabinet door open. It makes me.....uncomfortable. I don't
> know why but I can't enjoy a bite of food if someone else has bitten
> into it already. I sort of see estate pipes the same way. I see them
> online and I just can't bring myself to get one.
> And thanks for the opinion on the Sav's. Never had one myself and an
> experienced voice is always welcome in my view.
> Happy puffing,
> Bilbo you take your own flatware with you to a restaurant? That's
kind of how I look at estate pipes. Pipes or forks, once they are
properly cleaned and sanitized, there's no difference....



Aug 6, 2010, 10:43:36 PM8/6/10
> you take your own flatware with you to a restaurant? That's
> kind of how I look at estate pipes. Pipes or forks, once they are
> properly cleaned and sanitized, there's no difference....
> --
> ~Phil

I know, and really, I understand. They aren't dirty and there is
nothing wrong with them. Really, the sane part of my brain (which is
like 95%) wants to shake the rest and say "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH

But I'm about a half step away from bringing my own forks to a
restaurant. I think the ultimate divider is that pipes are porous and
metal is not. Also, I can't see in the pipe stem to see if it is
actually dirty or not.

Happy puffing,


Aug 6, 2010, 10:52:31 PM8/6/10

Also, Phil. I love the screen name you use. My apartment is a
firearms and tobacco playland. I want a bigger closet so I can get a
bigger gun safe in it and a few more chests to use as tobacco
cellars. I still can't shoot while smoking my pipe though. Maybe a
good clencher will remedy that.

Happy puffing,


Aug 6, 2010, 11:20:30 PM8/6/10
In article <6c565d1c-12cb-424c-86c8-63357437e27f@>, says...

> Quick question. What is the difference between the Dunhill's and the
> Parker's if the Parker is made by Dunhill?

I think Parkers began as Dunhill seconds, but probably evolved to be a
separate, cheaper marque, but made in the same general way. I hope
someone else can chime in here, as I've never known much about them.
Just had a Jockey Club billiard for a number of years, and it was an
excellent smoker.



Aug 6, 2010, 11:59:36 PM8/6/10
On 8/6/2010 6:52 PM, Bilbo wrote:

> Also, Phil. I love the screen name you use. My apartment is a
> firearms and tobacco playland. I want a bigger closet so I can get a
> bigger gun safe in it and a few more chests to use as tobacco
> cellars. I still can't shoot while smoking my pipe though. Maybe a
> good clencher will remedy that.
> Happy puffing,
> Bilbo

Heh....I always thought Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a
convenience store instead of a federal agency...
I've been using this screen name since before there was an internet,
goes back to my early competitive shooting days with the M-1 Garand...



Aug 7, 2010, 12:05:33 AM8/7/10
Interesting thread. While not a billiard, consider this Stanwell HCA of both worlds:



Allen Lloyd

Aug 7, 2010, 12:14:45 AM8/7/10

Mark Peeples

Aug 7, 2010, 12:43:13 AM8/7/10
to Bilbo
Bilbo wrote:

"""Um, that's actually not it. Not to get into to much detail, but the
> "scoring" is happening no matter what.

> <snip>

> So please, next time you make a crass statement about me, my friend,
> or my pipes, please ask for a little clarification first."""

So, ....let her read this about how "it's happening no matter what", and
make sure she knows all your newsgroup buddies read it.

She just MIGHT consider that crass, .........and you get squat.
After all, women ARE women, and we'll NEVER understand them completely.

Just my 2 cents.


Mike Stanley

Aug 7, 2010, 4:16:58 AM8/7/10

I've had a couple of Dunhills and I've had a Parker Jockey Club. To
me, saying a Parker (especially the modern Parker) is basically a
Dunhill is like saying a nickel is basically a twenty dollar gold
piece. That being said,a Parker lovat might just do the trick for what
you're looking for Bilbo.
Mike Stanley

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