Encrypted password storage on Linux

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Mike Mammarella

Jun 22, 2010, 4:35:38 PM6/22/10
to chromium-dev
If you are not using Linux, you can ignore this message.

I've recently committed r50475 which adds a new flag,
--password-store, that lets you request GNOME Keyring or (KDE) KWallet
instead of the built-in unencrypted password store.

There are three possible values:
--password-store=detect (this will eventually be the default)

For now, without the flag, we will continue to use the built-in
unencrypted store. With the flag, we will now try to use the requested
store (or autodetect one, and use that) to store passwords, and we
will migrate existing passwords to this store. This requires GNOME
Keyring > 2.22 (which rules out Ubuntu 8.04) or KDE 4. In the event of
failure to initialize the encrypted store, we fall back on the
built-in store.

If you'd like to give it a try, you might want to back up your
existing password store, just in case something goes wrong. It's
stored in ~/.config/chromium/Default/Login\ Data (or google-chrome for
branded builds, once one of those includes this change).

Mike Mammarella

Jun 24, 2010, 6:33:38 PM6/24/10
to chromium-dev, Evan Martin
A quick update on this: thanks to Evan Martin and his recent r50771,
we can now use GNOME Keyring 2.22 (as present in Ubuntu 8.04) and as a
result we have removed a broken version check that was incorrectly
identifying version 2.30 (as present in Ubuntu 10.04) as an
unsupported version. Thanks Evan!

Evan Martin

Jun 24, 2010, 6:57:10 PM6/24/10
to Mike Mammarella, chromium-dev
To add: testing this would be most helpful. See original instruction:
back up your passwords file (if you care), run with
--password-store=detect, and then let us know if it does anything
awesome or not awesome.
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