Major UI efforts: weekly status report

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Jeff Chang

Feb 18, 2011, 9:47:16 PM2/18/11
to chromium-dev
There are a number of UI / frontend efforts under way. I will be compiling a weekly summary email, fit for public consumption. Here is the first; Ben and I will be iterating on this over time.


February 18, 2011
  • Profiles [design doc and mocks]
    • mirandac pursuing backend work including migration of profile independent prefs and making code profile-safe.
    • Also begun work on getting the profile selection widget to show up on the browser window frame.
  • Top Chrome (tab overflow, compact nav)
    • sky to begin work implementing glen/alcor’s agreed-upon overflow mocks in the tabstrip.
    • beng and jeffreyc to find an engineering owner interested in prototyping compact nav on Windows.
  • Omnibox Quality
    • mrossetti is working on cache to improve startup performance of URL/title substring matching quick provider. He is currently discussing design with brettw and shess, and is drafting a design doc on the HistoryQuickProvider.
    • We need to do more analysis on how useful our results are. beng and jeffreyc to find an engineering owner.
  • Autofill
    • Many users have “crufty” Autofill profiles - we need to clean these up so everyone has only a few, accurate, useful profiles. dhollowa is experimenting with Google Maps APIs to help accomplish this.
    • isherman, dhollowa, and georgey are working to improve the Autofill address editing UI in a number of ways, including: dynamic country-dependent fields, multi-valued fields, and international phone number parsing/validation.
  • New Tab Page
    • alcor is working on new designs, and there is vague agreement amongst alcor, brakowski, and glen. The UI team met with the Apps team this week to discuss general direction, and will continue to iterate on designs.
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